
ggRadar() for interactive radar chart

ggRadar(data=iris, aes(color=Species), interactive = TRUE)
ggRadar(data=mtcars,aes(colour=am), interactive=TRUE)

ggBar() for an interactive barplot

       color="black",size=0.1, interactive=TRUE)


mtcars %>%
  ## add_rownames(var = "group" ) %>%
  tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "group") %>%
  ## mutate_each(funs(rescale), -group) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(-group), funs(scales::rescale)) %>%
  tail(4) %>%
  select(1:10) -> mtcars_radar



Test Radial Lines

testlen <- runif(10, 0, 10)
testpos <- seq(0, 18*pi/10, length=10)
testlab <- letters[1:10]

oldpar  <-
  radial.plot(testlen, testpos, main="Test Radial Lines", line.col="red",
              lwd=3, rad.col="lightblue")

testlen <- c(sin(seq(0, 1.98*pi, length=100))+2+rnorm(100)/10)
testpos <- seq(0, 1.98*pi, length=100)
radial.plot(testlen, testpos, rp.type="p", main="Test Polygon", line.col="blue",

Test Symbols

## now do a 12 o'clock start with clockwise positive
radial.plot(testlen, testpos, start=pi/2, clockwise=TRUE, show.grid.labels=2,
            rp.type="s", main="Test Symbols (clockwise)", radial.lim=c(0, 3.5),
            point.symbols=16, point.col="green", show.centroid=TRUE, labels=LETTERS[1:6])

Spiderweb plot

## one without the circular grid and multiple polygons
## see the "diamondplot" function for variation on this
posmat <- matrix(sample(2:9, 30, TRUE), nrow=3)
radial.plot(posmat, labels=paste("X", 1:10, sep=""), rp.type="p",
            main="Spiderweb plot", line.col=2:4, show.grid=FALSE, lwd=1:3,
            radial.lim=c(0, 10))

Dissolved ions in water

## dissolved ions in water
ions <- c(3.2, 5, 1, 3.1, 2.1, 4.5)
ion.names <- c("Na", "Ca", "Mg", "Cl", "HCO3", "SO4")
radial.plot(ions, labels=ion.names, rp.type="p", main="Dissolved ions in water",
            grid.unit="meq/l", radial.lim=c(0, 5), poly.col="yellow", show.grid.labels=1)

## add points inside the polygon - radial.lim is supplied by plotrix_env
radial.plot(ions-0.4, rp.type="s", point.symbols=4, point.col="red", add=TRUE)

radmat <- matrix(c(sample(1:4, 4), sample(1:4, 4), sample(1:4, 4), sample(1:4, 4),
                   sample(1:4, 4), sample(1:4, 4), sample(1:4, 4), sample(1:4, 4),
                   sample(1:4, 4), sample(1:4, 4)), nrow=4)

Rank clock

## finally a rank clock
radial.plot(radmat, rp.type="l", radial.pos=seq(0, 20*pi/11.1, length.out=10),
            label.pos=seq(0, 20*pi/11.1, length.out=10), start=pi/2, clockwise=TRUE,
            labels=2001:2010, radial.lim=c(0.2, 4), main="Rank clock")
legend(-1.7, 4, c("Black", "Red", "Green", "Blue"), col=1:4, lty=1)

par(xpd=oldpar$xpd, mar=oldpar$mar, pty=oldpar$pty)

## reset the margins
par(mar=c(5, 4, 4, 2))